PHP Class Cassandra\Type\Collection

Inheritance: extends Cassandra\Type
Datei anzeigen Open project: datastax/php-driver

Public Methods

Method Description
__toString ( ) : string Returns type representation in CQL, e.g. list
create ( $value = null ) : Cassandra\Collection Creates a new Cassandra\Collection from the given values.
name ( ) : string Returns "list"
valueType ( ) : Cassandra\Type Returns type of values

Method Details

__toString() public method

Returns type representation in CQL, e.g. list
public __toString ( ) : string
return string Type representation in CQL

create() public method

Creates a new Cassandra\Collection from the given values.
public create ( $value = null ) : Cassandra\Collection
return Cassandra\Collection A list with given values.

name() public method

Returns "list"
public name ( ) : string
return string "list"

valueType() public method

Returns type of values
public valueType ( ) : Cassandra\Type
return Cassandra\Type Type of values