PHP Class chobie\Jira\Issues\Walker

Inheritance: implements Iterator
Datei anzeigen Open project: chobie/jira-api-restclient Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$api chobie\Jira\Api API.
$callback callable Callback.
$current integer Current record index.
$executed boolean Was JQL executed.
$fields string | array | null List of fields to query.
$issues array Result.
$jql string JQL.
$max integer Issue count on current page.
$offset integer Offset.
$perPage integer Issues per page.
$startAt integer Index of issue in issue list (across all issue pages).
$total integer Total issue count.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Api $api, integer | null $per_page = null ) Creates walker instance.
count ( ) : integer Count elements of an object.
current ( ) : mixed Return the current element.
key ( ) : mixed Return the key of the current element.
next ( ) : void Move forward to next element.
push ( string $jql, string | array | null $fields = null ) : void Pushes JQL.
rewind ( ) : void Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
setDelegate ( callable $callable ) : void Sets callable.
valid ( ) : boolean Checks if current position is valid.

Protected Methods

Method Description
getQuery ( ) : string Returns JQL.
setResult ( Result $result ) : void Sets result.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Creates walker instance.
public __construct ( Api $api, integer | null $per_page = null )
$api chobie\Jira\Api API.
$per_page integer | null Per page.

count() public method

Count elements of an object.
public count ( ) : integer
return integer The custom count as an integer.

current() public method

Return the current element.
public current ( ) : mixed
return mixed Can return any type.

getQuery() protected method

Returns JQL.
protected getQuery ( ) : string
return string

key() public method

Return the key of the current element.
public key ( ) : mixed
return mixed scalar on success, or null on failure.

next() public method

Move forward to next element.
public next ( ) : void
return void Any returned value is ignored.

push() public method

Pushes JQL.
public push ( string $jql, string | array | null $fields = null ) : void
$jql string JQL.
$fields string | array | null Fields.
return void

rewind() public method

Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
public rewind ( ) : void
return void Any returned value is ignored.

setDelegate() public method

Sets callable.
public setDelegate ( callable $callable ) : void
$callable callable Callable.
return void

setResult() protected method

Sets result.
protected setResult ( Result $result ) : void
$result chobie\Jira\Api\Result Result.
return void

valid() public method

Checks if current position is valid.
public valid ( ) : boolean
return boolean The return value will be casted to boolean and then evaluated. Returns true on success or false on failure.

Property Details

$api protected_oe property

protected Api,chobie\Jira $api
return chobie\Jira\Api

$callback protected_oe property

protected callable $callback
return callable

$current protected_oe property

Current record index.
protected int $current
return integer

$executed protected_oe property

Was JQL executed.
protected bool $executed
return boolean

$fields protected_oe property

List of fields to query.
protected string|array|null $fields
return string | array | null

$issues protected_oe property

protected array $issues
return array

$jql protected_oe property

protected string $jql
return string

$max protected_oe property

Issue count on current page.
protected int $max
return integer

$offset protected_oe property

protected int $offset
return integer

$perPage protected_oe property

Issues per page.
protected int $perPage
return integer

$startAt protected_oe property

Index of issue in issue list (across all issue pages).
protected int $startAt
return integer

$total protected_oe property

Total issue count.
protected int $total
return integer