PHP Class Contao\CoreBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler

Datei anzeigen Open project: contao/core-bundle Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
addDirectories ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) Adds the Contao directories.
generateRandomSecret ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) Sets the environment variable for the random secret.
generateSymlinks ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) Generates the symlinks.

Private Methods

Method Description
canGenerateSecret ( array $config ) : boolean Checks if there is at least one config file defined but none of the files exists.
executeCommand ( string $cmd, Composer\Script\Event $event ) Executes a command.
getBinDir ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) : string Returns the bin directory.
getVerbosityFlag ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) : string Returns the verbosity flag depending on the console IO verbosity.
getWebDir ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) : string Returns the web directory.
loadRandomCompat ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) Loads the random_compat library.

Method Details

addDirectories() public static method

Adds the Contao directories.
public static addDirectories ( Composer\Script\Event $event )
$event Composer\Script\Event

generateRandomSecret() public static method

Sets the environment variable for the random secret.
public static generateRandomSecret ( Composer\Script\Event $event )
$event Composer\Script\Event