PHP Class Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\FrontendLoader

Inheritance: extends Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\Loader
Datei anzeigen Open project: contao/core-bundle Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( boolean $prependLocale ) Constructor.
load ( $resource, $type = null )
supports ( $resource, $type = null )

Private Methods

Method Description
addFrontendRoute ( RouteCollection $routes, array $defaults ) Adds the frontend route, which is language-aware.
addIndexRoute ( RouteCollection $routes, array $defaults ) Adds a route to redirect a user to the index page.
addLocaleToRoute ( Symfony\Component\Routing\Route $route ) Adds the locale to the route if prepend_locale is enabled.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( boolean $prependLocale )
$prependLocale boolean

load() public method

public load ( $resource, $type = null )

supports() public method

public supports ( $resource, $type = null )