PHP Class Contao\CoreBundle\Test\Image\ImageSizesTest

Inheritance: extends Contao\CoreBundle\Test\TestCase
Datei anzeigen Open project: contao/core-bundle

Public Methods

Method Description
setUp ( )
testGetAllOptionsWithImageSizes ( ) Tests getting all options with image sizes.
testGetAllOptionsWithoutImageSizes ( ) Tests getting all options without image sizes.
testGetOptionsForAdminUser ( ) Tests getting the options for an admin user.
testGetOptionsForRegularUser ( ) Tests getting all options for a regular user.
testInstantiation ( ) Tests the object instantiation.

Private Methods

Method Description
expectEvent ( string $event ) Adds an expected method call to the event dispatcher mock object.
expectExampleImageSizes ( ) Adds expected example image sizes to the database connection mock object.
expectImageSizes ( array $imageSizes ) Adds an expected method call to the database connection mock object.

Method Details

setUp() public method

public setUp ( )

testGetAllOptionsWithImageSizes() public method

Tests getting all options with image sizes.

testGetAllOptionsWithoutImageSizes() public method

Tests getting all options without image sizes.

testGetOptionsForAdminUser() public method

Tests getting the options for an admin user.

testGetOptionsForRegularUser() public method

Tests getting all options for a regular user.

testInstantiation() public method

Tests the object instantiation.
public testInstantiation ( )