PHP Class Contao\CoreBundle\Test\Image\PictureFactoryTest

Author: Martin Auswöger ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Contao\CoreBundle\Test\TestCase
Datei anzeigen Open project: contao/core-bundle

Public Methods

Method Description
testCreate ( ) Tests the create() method.
testCreateLegacyMode ( ) Tests the create() method.
testCreateWithImageObjectAndPictureConfiguration ( ) Tests the create() method.
testCreateWithoutModel ( ) Tests the create() method.
testInstantiation ( ) Tests the object instantiation.

Private Methods

Method Description
createPictureFactory ( Contao\Image\PictureGenerator | null $pictureGenerator = null, ImageFactory | null $imageFactory = null, Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\ContaoFrameworkInterface | null $framework = null, boolean $bypassCache = null, array $imagineOptions = null ) : PictureFactory Creates an PictureFactory instance helper.

Method Details

testCreate() public method

Tests the create() method.
public testCreate ( )

testCreateLegacyMode() public method

Tests the create() method.

testCreateWithImageObjectAndPictureConfiguration() public method

Tests the create() method.

testCreateWithoutModel() public method

Tests the create() method.

testInstantiation() public method

Tests the object instantiation.
public testInstantiation ( )