PHP Class CrEOF\Spatial\Tests\PHP\Types\Geometry\PointTest

Author: Derek J. Lambert ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
Datei anzeigen Open project: creof/doctrine2-spatial

Public Methods

Method Description
testBadLatitudeDegrees ( ) Test bad string parameters - latitude degrees greater that 90
testBadLatitudeDirection ( ) Test bad string parameters - invalid latitude direction
testBadLatitudeMinutes ( ) Test bad string parameters - latitude minutes greater than 59
testBadLatitudeSeconds ( ) Test bad string parameters - latitude seconds greater than 59
testBadLongitudeDegrees ( ) Test bad string parameters - longitude degrees greater than 180
testBadLongitudeDirection ( ) Test bad string parameters - invalid longitude direction
testBadLongitudeMinutes ( ) Test bad string parameters - longitude minutes greater than 59
testBadLongitudeSeconds ( ) Test bad string parameters - longitude seconds greater than 59
testGetType ( )
testGoodNumericPoint ( )
testGoodStringPoints ( )
testJson ( )
testMissingArguments ( ) Test bad string parameters - No parameters
testPointFromArrayToString ( )
testPointTooManyArguments ( )
testPointWithSrid ( )
testPointWrongArgumentTypes ( )
testToArray ( )
testTwoInvalidArguments ( ) Test bad string parameters - Two invalid parameters
testUnusedArguments ( ) Test bad string parameters - More than 3 parameters

Method Details

testBadLatitudeDegrees() public method

Test bad string parameters - latitude degrees greater that 90

testBadLatitudeDirection() public method

Test bad string parameters - invalid latitude direction

testBadLatitudeMinutes() public method

Test bad string parameters - latitude minutes greater than 59

testBadLatitudeSeconds() public method

Test bad string parameters - latitude seconds greater than 59

testBadLongitudeDegrees() public method

Test bad string parameters - longitude degrees greater than 180

testBadLongitudeDirection() public method

Test bad string parameters - invalid longitude direction

testBadLongitudeMinutes() public method

Test bad string parameters - longitude minutes greater than 59

testBadLongitudeSeconds() public method

Test bad string parameters - longitude seconds greater than 59

testGetType() public method

public testGetType ( )

testGoodNumericPoint() public method

testGoodStringPoints() public method

testJson() public method

public testJson ( )

testMissingArguments() public method

Test bad string parameters - No parameters

testPointFromArrayToString() public method

testPointTooManyArguments() public method

testPointWithSrid() public method

public testPointWithSrid ( )

testPointWrongArgumentTypes() public method

testToArray() public method

public testToArray ( )

testTwoInvalidArguments() public method

Test bad string parameters - Two invalid parameters

testUnusedArguments() public method

Test bad string parameters - More than 3 parameters
public testUnusedArguments ( )