PHP Class Evercode1\ViewMaker\MakeCrud

Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Console\Command, use trait BuildsCrudTemplates, use trait FormatsInput, use trait ConfiguresCrudInput, use trait WritesCrudFiles, use trait HasParentAndChildAndSlug
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$description string The console command description.
$signature string The name and signature of the console command.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) : void Create a new command instance.
handle ( ) : mixed Execute the console command.

Private Methods

Method Description
formatModel ( $model )
sendSuccessMessage ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create a new command instance.
public __construct ( ) : void
return void

handle() public method

Execute the console command.
public handle ( ) : mixed
return mixed

Property Details

$description protected_oe property

The console command description.
protected string $description
return string

$signature protected_oe property

The name and signature of the console command.
protected string $signature
return string