PHP Class Fakerino\DataSource\FakeFileContainer

Author: Nicola Pietroluongo ([email protected])
Datei anzeigen Open project: fakerino/fakerino Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$files array

Public Methods

Method Description
add ( string $name, File $file ) Adds a file to the container.
get ( string $filePath ) : File Gets a file from container, or create a new one if not present.

Method Details

add() public static method

Adds a file to the container.
public static add ( string $name, File $file )
$name string
$file Fakerino\DataSource\File\File

get() public static method

Gets a file from container, or create a new one if not present.
public static get ( string $filePath ) : File
$filePath string
return Fakerino\DataSource\File\File

Property Details

$files protected_oe static_oe property

protected static array $files
return array