PHP Class Frontend\Core\Engine\Rss

Inheritance: extends SpoonFeedRSS
Datei anzeigen Open project: forkcms/forkcms Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $title, string $link, string $description, array $items = [] ) The default constructor
setImage ( string $url, string $title, string $link, integer $width = null, integer $height = null, string $description = null ) Set the image for the feed.

Method Details

__construct() public method

The default constructor
public __construct ( string $title, string $link, string $description, array $items = [] )
$title string The title off the feed.
$link string The link of the feed.
$description string The description of the feed.
$items array An array with SpoonRSSItems.

setImage() public method

Set the image for the feed.
public setImage ( string $url, string $title, string $link, integer $width = null, integer $height = null, string $description = null )
$url string URL of the image.
$title string Title of the image.
$link string Link of the image.
$width integer Width of the image.
$height integer Height of the image.
$description string Description of the image.