PHP Class Go\Aop\Pointcut\AnnotationPointcut

Inheritance: implements Go\Aop\Pointcut, use trait PointcutClassFilterTrait
Datei anzeigen Open project: goaop/framework

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$annotationMethod string Method to call for annotation reader
$annotationName string Annotation class to match
$annotationReader null | Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader Annotation reader
$expectedClass string Specifies name of the expected class to receive
$filterKind integer Kind of current filter, can be KIND_CLASS, KIND_METHOD, KIND_PROPERTY, KIND_TRAIT
$mappings array Static mappings of kind to expected class and method name

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( integer $filterKind, Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader $reader, string $annotationName ) Annotation matcher constructor
getKind ( ) : integer Returns the kind of point filter
matches ( ReflectionClas\ReflectionClass | ReflectionMetho\ReflectionMethod | ReflectionPropert\ReflectionProperty $point, $context = null, $instance = null, array $arguments = null )

Method Details

__construct() public method

Annotation matcher constructor
public __construct ( integer $filterKind, Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader $reader, string $annotationName )
$filterKind integer Kind of filter, e.g. KIND_CLASS
$reader Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader Reader of annotations
$annotationName string Annotation class name to match

getKind() public method

Returns the kind of point filter
public getKind ( ) : integer
return integer

matches() public method

public matches ( ReflectionClas\ReflectionClass | ReflectionMetho\ReflectionMethod | ReflectionPropert\ReflectionProperty $point, $context = null, $instance = null, array $arguments = null )
$point ReflectionClas\ReflectionClass | ReflectionMetho\ReflectionMethod | ReflectionPropert\ReflectionProperty {@inheritdoc}
$arguments array

Property Details

$annotationMethod protected_oe property

Method to call for annotation reader
protected string $annotationMethod
return string

$annotationName protected_oe property

Annotation class to match
protected string $annotationName
return string

$annotationReader protected_oe property

Annotation reader
protected null|Reader,Doctrine\Common\Annotations $annotationReader
return null | Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader

$expectedClass protected_oe property

Specifies name of the expected class to receive
protected string $expectedClass
return string

$filterKind protected_oe property

protected int $filterKind
return integer

$mappings protected_oe static_oe property

Static mappings of kind to expected class and method name
protected static array $mappings
return array