PHP Class Go\Aop\Pointcut\PointcutGrammar

Inheritance: extends Dissect\Parser\Grammar
Datei anzeigen Open project: goaop/framework

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Go\Core\AspectContainer $container, Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader $annotationReader ) Constructs a pointcut grammar with AST

Private Methods

Method Description
getModifierConverter ( ) : Closure Returns callable for converting node value for modifiers to the constant value
getNodeToStringConverter ( ) : Closure Returns callable for converting node(s) to the string

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructs a pointcut grammar with AST
public __construct ( Go\Core\AspectContainer $container, Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader $annotationReader )
$container Go\Core\AspectContainer Instance of the container
$annotationReader Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader