PHP Class Go\Aop\Pointcut\SignaturePointcutTest

Inheritance: extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
Datei anzeigen Open project: goaop/framework

Public Methods

Method Description
testCanMatchProperty ( ) Tests that pointcut can match property
testDirectMethodMatchByName ( ) Tests that method matched by name directly
testIssue115 ( ) Tests that multiple pattern is using strict matching
testMultipleRegularPattern ( ) Tests that multiple pattern is matching
testRegularPattern ( ) Tests that pattern is working correctly
testWontMatchModifier ( ) Tests that pointcut won't match if modifier filter is not match

Method Details

testCanMatchProperty() public method

Tests that pointcut can match property

testDirectMethodMatchByName() public method

Tests that method matched by name directly

testIssue115() public method

Tests that multiple pattern is using strict matching
public testIssue115 ( )

testMultipleRegularPattern() public method

Tests that multiple pattern is matching

testRegularPattern() public method

Tests that pattern is working correctly
public testRegularPattern ( )

testWontMatchModifier() public method

Tests that pointcut won't match if modifier filter is not match