PHP Class Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Module\Trasher\TrasherSettingUpdater

Since: 3.0.0
Datei anzeigen Open project: inpsyde/multilingual-press

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Module\Trasher\TrasherSettingRepository $setting_repository, Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\API\ContentRelations $content_relations, Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Common\Nonce\Nonce $nonce ) Constructor. Sets up the properties.
update_settings ( integer $post_id, WP_Post $post ) : integer Updates the trasher setting of the post with the given ID as well as all related posts.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructor. Sets up the properties.
Since: 3.0.0
public __construct ( Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Module\Trasher\TrasherSettingRepository $setting_repository, Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\API\ContentRelations $content_relations, Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Common\Nonce\Nonce $nonce )
$setting_repository Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Module\Trasher\TrasherSettingRepository Trasher setting repository object.
$content_relations Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\API\ContentRelations Content relations API object.
$nonce Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Common\Nonce\Nonce Nonce object.

update_settings() public method

Updates the trasher setting of the post with the given ID as well as all related posts.
Since: 3.0.0
public update_settings ( integer $post_id, WP_Post $post ) : integer
$post_id integer Post ID.
$post WP_Post Post object.
return integer The number of posts updated.