PHP Class Jelix\Installer\ModuleInstallLauncher

Since: 1.2
Inheritance: extends AbstractInstallLauncher
Datei anzeigen Open project: jelix/jelix

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$installerContexts list of sessions Id of the component

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Jelix\Core\Infos\ModuleInfos $moduleInfos, Installer $mainInstaller = null )
getInstaller ( EntryPoint $ep, boolean $installWholeApp ) : ModuleInstaller get the object which is responsible to install the component. this object should implement AbstractInstaller.
getUpgraders ( EntryPoint $ep ) : ModuleInstaller[] return the list of objects which are responsible to upgrade the component from the current installed version of the component.
installFinished ( $ep )
uninstallFinished ( $ep )
upgradeFinished ( $ep, $upgrader )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_formatDate ( $date )
_setAccess ( EntryPoint $ep )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Jelix\Core\Infos\ModuleInfos $moduleInfos, Installer $mainInstaller = null )
$moduleInfos Jelix\Core\Infos\ModuleInfos
$mainInstaller Installer

_formatDate() protected method

protected _formatDate ( $date )

_setAccess() protected method

protected _setAccess ( EntryPoint $ep )
$ep EntryPoint

getInstaller() public method

get the object which is responsible to install the component. this object should implement AbstractInstaller.
public getInstaller ( EntryPoint $ep, boolean $installWholeApp ) : ModuleInstaller
$ep EntryPoint the entry point
$installWholeApp boolean true if the installation is done during app installation
return ModuleInstaller the installer, or null if there isn't any installer or false if the installer is useless for the given parameter

getUpgraders() public method

this method should be called after verifying and resolving dependencies. Needed components (modules or plugins) should be installed/upgraded before calling this method
public getUpgraders ( EntryPoint $ep ) : ModuleInstaller[]
$ep EntryPoint the entry point
return ModuleInstaller[]

installFinished() public method

public installFinished ( $ep )

uninstallFinished() public method

public uninstallFinished ( $ep )

upgradeFinished() public method

public upgradeFinished ( $ep, $upgrader )

Property Details

$installerContexts protected_oe property

list of sessions Id of the component
protected $installerContexts

$moduleInstaller protected_oe property

protected $moduleInstaller

$moduleUpgraders protected_oe property

protected $moduleUpgraders

$upgradersContexts protected_oe property

protected $upgradersContexts