PHP Class LdapTools\Object\LdapObjectCollection

Author: Chad Sikorra ([email protected])
Inheritance: implements IteratorAggregate, implements Countable
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$objects LdapObject[]

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( variadic $ldapObjects )
add ( variadic $ldapObjects ) Add LdapObjects to the collection.
count ( ) : integer The number of LdapObjects in the collection.
current ( ) : LdapObject | false Gets the current element in the collection array.
first ( ) : LdapObject | boolean Sets the collection array pointer to the first element and returns it.
getIterator ( ) : ArrayIterator Allows this object to be iterated over.
key ( ) : integer Gets the index of the current position in the collection.
last ( ) : LdapObject | boolean Sets the collection array pointer to the last element and returns it.
next ( ) : LdapObject | boolean Sets the collection array pointer to the next element and returns it.
previous ( ) : LdapObject | boolean Sets the collection array pointer to the previous element and returns it.
toArray ( ) : LdapObject[] Returns an array of LdapObjects. To get the results in a simple array for you should change the hydration when executing the query.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( variadic $ldapObjects )
$ldapObjects variadic

add() public method

Add LdapObjects to the collection.
public add ( variadic $ldapObjects )
$ldapObjects variadic

count() public method

The number of LdapObjects in the collection.
public count ( ) : integer
return integer

current() public method

Gets the current element in the collection array.
public current ( ) : LdapObject | false
return LdapObject | false

first() public method

Sets the collection array pointer to the first element and returns it.
public first ( ) : LdapObject | boolean
return LdapObject | boolean

getIterator() public method

Allows this object to be iterated over.

key() public method

Gets the index of the current position in the collection.
public key ( ) : integer
return integer

last() public method

Sets the collection array pointer to the last element and returns it.
public last ( ) : LdapObject | boolean
return LdapObject | boolean

next() public method

Sets the collection array pointer to the next element and returns it.
public next ( ) : LdapObject | boolean
return LdapObject | boolean

previous() public method

Sets the collection array pointer to the previous element and returns it.
public previous ( ) : LdapObject | boolean
return LdapObject | boolean

toArray() public method

Returns an array of LdapObjects. To get the results in a simple array for you should change the hydration when executing the query.
public toArray ( ) : LdapObject[]
return LdapObject[]

Property Details

$objects protected_oe property

protected LdapObject[],LdapTools\Object $objects
return LdapObject[]