PHP Class Modules\Doptor\TranslationManager\Models\TranslationLanguage

Inheritance: extends Eloquen\Eloquent, implements Robbo\Presenter\PresentableInterface
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
create ( array $attributes = [] ) : void Create a new slide
getPresenter ( ) Initiate the presenter class
update ( array $attributes = [], array $options = [] ) : void Update an existing slide

Method Details

create() public static method

Create a new slide
public static create ( array $attributes = [] ) : void
$attributes array
return void

getPresenter() public method

Initiate the presenter class
public getPresenter ( )

update() public method

Update an existing slide
public update ( array $attributes = [], array $options = [] ) : void
$attributes array
$options array
return void

Property Details

$fillable protected_oe property

protected $fillable

$guarded protected_oe property

protected $guarded

$table protected_oe property

protected $table