Method |
Description |
__construct ( Illuminate\Foundation\Application $app ) |
Create a new Teamwork instance. |
acceptInvite ( Mpociot\Teamwork\TeamInvite $invite ) |
denyInvite ( Mpociot\Teamwork\TeamInvite $invite ) |
getInviteFromAcceptToken ( $token ) : mixed |
getInviteFromDenyToken ( $token ) : mixed |
hasPendingInvite ( $email, Team | array | integer $team ) : boolean |
Checks if the given email address has a pending invite for the
provided Team |
inviteToTeam ( string | User $user, null | Team $team = null, callable $success = null ) |
Invite an email adress to a team. |
user ( ) |
Get the currently authenticated user or null. |