PHP Class Neos\Flow\Log\Backend\ConsoleBackend

Inheritance: extends AbstractBackend
Datei anzeigen Open project: neos/flow-development-collection Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$severityLabels array An array of severity labels, indexed by their integer constant
$streamHandle resource
$streamName string Stream name to use (stdout, stderr)

Public Methods

Method Description
append ( string $message, integer $severity = LOG_INFO, mixed $additionalData = null, string $packageKey = null, string $className = null, string $methodName = null ) : void Appends the given message along with the additional information into the log.
close ( ) : void Carries out all actions necessary to cleanly close the logging backend, such as closing the log file or disconnecting from a database.
open ( ) : void Carries out all actions necessary to prepare the logging backend, such as opening the log file or opening a database connection.

Method Details

append() public method

Appends the given message along with the additional information into the log.
public append ( string $message, integer $severity = LOG_INFO, mixed $additionalData = null, string $packageKey = null, string $className = null, string $methodName = null ) : void
$message string The message to log
$severity integer One of the LOG_* constants
$additionalData mixed A variable containing more information about the event to be logged
$packageKey string Key of the package triggering the log (determined automatically if not specified)
$className string Name of the class triggering the log (determined automatically if not specified)
$methodName string Name of the method triggering the log (determined automatically if not specified)
return void

close() public method

Note: for this backend we do nothing here and rely on PHP to close the stream handle when the request ends. This is to allow full logging until request end.
public close ( ) : void
return void

open() public method

Carries out all actions necessary to prepare the logging backend, such as opening the log file or opening a database connection.
public open ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

$severityLabels protected_oe property

An array of severity labels, indexed by their integer constant
protected array $severityLabels
return array

$streamHandle protected_oe property

protected resource $streamHandle
return resource

$streamName protected_oe property

Stream name to use (stdout, stderr)
protected string $streamName
return string