PHP Class Neos\Flow\Mvc\ViewConfigurationManager

This classes compiles all configurations matching the provided request out of the Views.yaml into one view configuration used by the ActionController to setup up the view.
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$cache Neos\Cache\Frontend\VariableFrontend
$configurationManager Neos\Flow\Configuration\ConfigurationManager
$eelEvaluator Neos\Eel\CompilingEvaluator

Public Methods

Method Description
getViewConfiguration ( ActionRequest $request ) : array This method walks through the view configuration and applies matching configurations in the order of their specifity score.

Protected Methods

Method Description
createCacheIdentifier ( Neos\Flow\Mvc\RequestInterface $request ) : string Create a complete cache identifier for the given request that conforms to cache identifier syntax

Method Details

createCacheIdentifier() protected method

Create a complete cache identifier for the given request that conforms to cache identifier syntax
protected createCacheIdentifier ( Neos\Flow\Mvc\RequestInterface $request ) : string
$request Neos\Flow\Mvc\RequestInterface
return string

getViewConfiguration() public method

Possible options are currently the viewObjectName to specify a different class that will be used to create the view and an array of options that will be set on the view object.
public getViewConfiguration ( ActionRequest $request ) : array
$request ActionRequest
return array

Property Details

$cache protected_oe property

protected VariableFrontend,Neos\Cache\Frontend $cache
return Neos\Cache\Frontend\VariableFrontend

$configurationManager protected_oe property

protected ConfigurationManager,Neos\Flow\Configuration $configurationManager
return Neos\Flow\Configuration\ConfigurationManager

$eelEvaluator protected_oe property

protected CompilingEvaluator,Neos\Eel $eelEvaluator
return Neos\Eel\CompilingEvaluator