PHP Class Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper\ViewHelperResolver

Class whose purpose is dedicated to resolving classes which can be used as ViewHelpers and ExpressionNodes in Fluid. In addition to modifying the behavior or the parser when legacy mode is requested, this ViewHelperResolver is also made capable of "mixing" two different ViewHelper namespaces to effectively create aliases for the Fluid core ViewHelpers to be loaded in the (TYPO3|Neos) scope as well.
Inheritance: extends TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\ViewHelperResolver
Datei anzeigen Open project: neos/flow-development-collection Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$namespaces array Custom merged namespace for Neos Fluid adapter; will look for classes in both namespaces starting from the bottom.
$objectManager Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface
$packageManager Neos\Flow\Package\PackageManagerInterface

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) ViewHelperResolver constructor.
addNamespace ( string $identifier, string | array $phpNamespace ) : void Add a PHP namespace where ViewHelpers can be found and give it an alias/identifier.
createViewHelperInstanceFromClassName ( string $viewHelperClassName ) : TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\ViewHelperInterface
getDefaultNamespaces ( )
initializeObject ( $reason )

Protected Methods

Method Description
addNamespaceInternal ( string $identifier, string $phpNamespace )

Method Details

__construct() public method

ViewHelperResolver constructor.
public __construct ( )

addNamespace() public method

The provided namespace can be either a single namespace or an array of namespaces, as strings. The identifier/alias is always a single, alpha-numeric ASCII string. Calling this method multiple times with different PHP namespaces for the same alias causes that namespace to be *extended*, meaning that the PHP namespace you provide second, third etc. are also used in lookups and are used *first*, so that if any of the namespaces you add contains a class placed and named the same way as one that exists in an earlier namespace, then your class gets used instead of the earlier one. Example: $resolver->addNamespace('my', 'My\Package\ViewHelpers'); Any ViewHelpers under this namespace can now be accessed using for example {my:example()} Now, assuming you also have an ExampleViewHelper class in a different namespace and wish to make that ExampleViewHelper override the other: $resolver->addNamespace('my', 'My\OtherPackage\ViewHelpers'); Now, since ExampleViewHelper exists in both places but the My\OtherPackage\ViewHelpers namespace was added *last*, Fluid will find and use My\OtherPackage\ViewHelpers\ExampleViewHelper. Alternatively, setNamespaces() can be used to reset and redefine all previously added namespaces - which is great for cases where you need to remove or replace previously added namespaces. Be aware that setNamespaces() also removes the default "f" namespace, so when you use this method you should always include the "f" namespace.
public addNamespace ( string $identifier, string | array $phpNamespace ) : void
$identifier string
$phpNamespace string | array
return void

addNamespaceInternal() protected method

protected addNamespaceInternal ( string $identifier, string $phpNamespace )
$identifier string
$phpNamespace string

createViewHelperInstanceFromClassName() public method

public createViewHelperInstanceFromClassName ( string $viewHelperClassName ) : TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\ViewHelperInterface
$viewHelperClassName string
return TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\ViewHelperInterface

getDefaultNamespaces() public method

initializeObject() public method

public initializeObject ( $reason )

Property Details

$namespaces protected_oe property

Custom merged namespace for Neos Fluid adapter; will look for classes in both namespaces starting from the bottom.
protected array $namespaces
return array

$objectManager protected_oe property

protected ObjectManagerInterface,Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement $objectManager
return Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface

$packageManager protected_oe property

protected PackageManagerInterface,Neos\Flow\Package $packageManager
return Neos\Flow\Package\PackageManagerInterface