PHP Class Neos\Fusion\Tests\Unit\Core\ExceptionHandlers\AbstractRenderingExceptionHandlerTest

Inheritance: extends Neos\Flow\Tests\UnitTestCase
Datei anzeigen Open project: neos/neos-development-collection

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$handler Neos\Fusion\Fixtures\AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler instance under test

Public Methods

Method Description
handleExceptions ( ) exceptions are handled and transformed to a message
neverHandleSecurityException ( ) SecurityException are rethrown
neverHandleStopActionException ( ) StopActionException are rethrown
unpackRuntimeException ( ) runtime exceptions are unpacked, meaning that the inner typoscript path an the inner exception is used to generate the message
useReferenceCodes ( ) exceptions are handled and transformed to a message

Protected Methods

Method Description
setUp ( ) Sets up this test case

Method Details

handleExceptions() public method

exceptions are handled and transformed to a message
public handleExceptions ( )

neverHandleSecurityException() public method

SecurityException are rethrown

neverHandleStopActionException() public method

StopActionException are rethrown

setUp() protected method

Sets up this test case
protected setUp ( )

unpackRuntimeException() public method

runtime exceptions are unpacked, meaning that the inner typoscript path an the inner exception is used to generate the message

useReferenceCodes() public method

exceptions are handled and transformed to a message
public useReferenceCodes ( )

Property Details

$handler protected_oe property

instance under test
protected AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler,Neos\Fusion\Fixtures $handler
return Neos\Fusion\Fixtures\AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler