PHP Class Newscoop\Entity\Output\OutputSettingsIssue

Inheritance: extends Newscoop\Entity\OutputSettings
Datei anzeigen Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$issue Newscoop\Entity\Issue
$themePath Newscoop\Entity\Resource

Public Methods

Method Description
copyTo ( $outputSetting ) Copies the cvcontent from this object to the provided object.
getIssue ( ) : Issue Provides the issue that is the owner of this settings.
getThemePath ( ) : Resource Provides the path of the theme associated.
setIssue ( Issue $issue ) : Newscoop\Entity\OutputSettingsIssue Set the issue that is the owner of this settings.
setThemePath ( Resource $themePath ) : Newscoop\Entity\PublicationTheme Set the path of the theme associated.

Method Details

copyTo() public method

Copies the cvcontent from this object to the provided object.
public copyTo ( $outputSetting )

getIssue() public method

Provides the issue that is the owner of this settings.
public getIssue ( ) : Issue
return Newscoop\Entity\Issue The the issue that is the owner of this settings.

getThemePath() public method

Provides the path of the theme associated.
public getThemePath ( ) : Resource
return Newscoop\Entity\Resource The path of the theme.

setIssue() public method

Set the issue that is the owner of this settings.
public setIssue ( Issue $issue ) : Newscoop\Entity\OutputSettingsIssue
$issue Newscoop\Entity\Issue The issue that is the owner of this settings, must not be null or empty.
return Newscoop\Entity\OutputSettingsIssue This object for chaining purposes.

setThemePath() public method

Set the path of the theme associated.
public setThemePath ( Resource $themePath ) : Newscoop\Entity\PublicationTheme
$themePath Newscoop\Entity\Resource The path of the theme, must not be null or empty.
return Newscoop\Entity\PublicationTheme This object for chaining purposes.

Property Details

$issue protected_oe property

protected Issue,Newscoop\Entity $issue
return Newscoop\Entity\Issue

$themePath protected_oe property

protected Resource,Newscoop\Entity $themePath
return Newscoop\Entity\Resource