PHP Class Newscoop\Entity\AbstractEntity

Datei anzeigen Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$id integer

Public Methods

Method Description
getId ( ) : integer Provides the id of the output, this will uniquielly identify this output.
setId ( $id ) : Newscoop\Entity\Entity Set the id of the output, this will uniquielly identify this output.

Method Details

getId() public method

Provides the id of the output, this will uniquielly identify this output.
public getId ( ) : integer
return integer The id of the output.

setId() public method

Set the id of the output, this will uniquielly identify this output.
public setId ( $id ) : Newscoop\Entity\Entity
return Newscoop\Entity\Entity This object for chaining purposes.

Property Details

$id protected_oe property

protected int $id
return integer