PHP Class Newscoop\Entity\ArticleTypeField

Datei anzeigen Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$articleType Newscoop\Entity\ArticleType (at) ManyToOne( targetEntity="Newscoop\Entity\ArticleType" ) (at) JoinColumn( name="type_id", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=FALSE )
$commentsEnabled integer
$fieldTypeParam string
$fieldWeight integer
$isContentField integer
$isHidden integer
$phrase Newscoop\Entity\Translation
$phraseId integer
$showInEditor integer

Public Methods

Method Description
getArticleType ( ) : ArticleType Get the article type
getCommentsEnabled ( ) : integer Getter for commentsEnabled
getFieldTypeParam ( ) : string Getter for fieldTypeParam
getFieldWeight ( ) : integer Getter for fieldWeight
getIsContentField ( ) : integer Getter for isContentField
getIsHidden ( ) : integer Getter for isHidden
getLength ( ) : integer
getName ( ) : string
getPhrase ( ) : Newscoop\Entity\Translation Gets the value of phrase.
getPhraseId ( ) : integer Getter for phraseId
getShowInEditor ( ) : integer Getter for showInEditor
getType ( ) : string
setArticleType ( ArticleType $type ) : ArticleTypeField
setArticleTypeHack ( ArticleType $type ) : ArticleTypeField
setCommentsEnabled ( integer $commentsEnabled ) : self Setter for commentsEnabled
setFieldTypeParam ( string $fieldTypeParam ) : self Setter for fieldTypeParam
setFieldWeight ( integer $fieldWeight ) : self Setter for fieldWeight
setIsContentField ( integer $isContentField ) : self Setter for isContentField
setIsHidden ( integer $isHidden ) : self Setter for isHidden
setLength ( $val ) : ArticleTypeField
setName ( $name ) : ArticleTypeField
setShowInEditor ( integer $showInEditor ) : self Setter for showInEditor
setType ( $val ) : ArticleTypeField

Protected Methods

Method Description
setPhrase ( Translation $phrase ) : self Sets the value of phrase.

Method Details

getArticleType() public method

Get the article type
public getArticleType ( ) : ArticleType
return ArticleType

getCommentsEnabled() public method

Getter for commentsEnabled
public getCommentsEnabled ( ) : integer
return integer

getFieldTypeParam() public method

Getter for fieldTypeParam
public getFieldTypeParam ( ) : string
return string

getFieldWeight() public method

Getter for fieldWeight
public getFieldWeight ( ) : integer
return integer

getIsContentField() public method

Getter for isContentField
public getIsContentField ( ) : integer
return integer

getIsHidden() public method

Getter for isHidden
public getIsHidden ( ) : integer
return integer

getLength() public method

public getLength ( ) : integer
return integer

getName() public method

public getName ( ) : string
return string

getPhrase() public method

Gets the value of phrase.
public getPhrase ( ) : Newscoop\Entity\Translation
return Newscoop\Entity\Translation

getPhraseId() public method

Getter for phraseId
public getPhraseId ( ) : integer
return integer

getShowInEditor() public method

Getter for showInEditor
public getShowInEditor ( ) : integer
return integer

getType() public method

public getType ( ) : string
return string

setArticleType() public method

public setArticleType ( ArticleType $type ) : ArticleTypeField
$type ArticleType
return ArticleTypeField

setArticleTypeHack() public method

public setArticleTypeHack ( ArticleType $type ) : ArticleTypeField
$type ArticleType
return ArticleTypeField

setCommentsEnabled() public method

Setter for commentsEnabled
public setCommentsEnabled ( integer $commentsEnabled ) : self
$commentsEnabled integer Value to set
return self

setFieldTypeParam() public method

Setter for fieldTypeParam
public setFieldTypeParam ( string $fieldTypeParam ) : self
$fieldTypeParam string Value to set
return self

setFieldWeight() public method

Setter for fieldWeight
public setFieldWeight ( integer $fieldWeight ) : self
$fieldWeight integer Value to set
return self

setIsContentField() public method

Setter for isContentField
public setIsContentField ( integer $isContentField ) : self
$isContentField integer Value to set
return self

setIsHidden() public method

Setter for isHidden
public setIsHidden ( integer $isHidden ) : self
$isHidden integer Value to set
return self

setLength() public method

public setLength ( $val ) : ArticleTypeField
return ArticleTypeField

setName() public method

public setName ( $name ) : ArticleTypeField
return ArticleTypeField

setPhrase() protected method

Sets the value of phrase.
protected setPhrase ( Translation $phrase ) : self
$phrase Translation the phrase
return self

setShowInEditor() public method

Setter for showInEditor
public setShowInEditor ( integer $showInEditor ) : self
$showInEditor integer Value to set
return self

setType() public method

public setType ( $val ) : ArticleTypeField
return ArticleTypeField

Property Details

$articleType protected_oe property

(at) ManyToOne( targetEntity="Newscoop\Entity\ArticleType" ) (at) JoinColumn( name="type_id", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=FALSE )
protected Newscoop\Entity\ArticleType $articleType
return Newscoop\Entity\ArticleType

$commentsEnabled protected_oe property

protected int $commentsEnabled
return integer

$fieldTypeParam protected_oe property

protected string $fieldTypeParam
return string

$fieldWeight protected_oe property

protected int $fieldWeight
return integer

$isContentField protected_oe property

protected int $isContentField
return integer

$isHidden protected_oe property

protected int $isHidden
return integer

$length protected_oe property

protected $length

$name protected_oe property

protected $name

$phrase protected_oe property

protected Newscoop\Entity\Translation $phrase
return Newscoop\Entity\Translation

$phraseId protected_oe property

protected int $phraseId
return integer

$showInEditor protected_oe property

protected int $showInEditor
return integer

$type protected_oe property

protected $type

$typeHack protected_oe property

protected $typeHack