PHP Class Newscoop\Entity\Output

Inheritance: extends AbstractEntity
Datei anzeigen Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$name string

Public Methods

Method Description
getName ( ) : string Provides the name of the theme resource, must be a user frendly name used for displaying it on the UI.
setName ( string $name ) : Newscoop\Entity\Theme\Resource Set the name of the theme resource, must be a user frendly name used for displaying it on the UI.

Method Details

getName() public method

Provides the name of the theme resource, must be a user frendly name used for displaying it on the UI.
public getName ( ) : string
return string The name of the theme resource.

setName() public method

Set the name of the theme resource, must be a user frendly name used for displaying it on the UI.
public setName ( string $name ) : Newscoop\Entity\Theme\Resource
$name string The name of the theme resource, must not be null or empty.
return Newscoop\Entity\Theme\Resource This object for chaining purposes.

Property Details

$name protected_oe property

protected string $name
return string