PHP Class Newscoop\Entity\Playlist

Inheritance: extends AbstractEntity
Datei anzeigen Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$articlesLink string Link to topic articles resource.
$articlesModificationTime utcdatetime
$id integer
$maxItems integer
$name string
$notes string

Public Methods

Method Description
getArticlesLink ( ) : string Get link to topic articles resource.
getArticlesModificationTime ( ) : integer Gets the value of articlesModificationTime.
getMaxItems ( ) : integer Gets the value of maxItems.
getName ( ) Returns the name of the playlist.
getNotes ( ) : string Gets the value of notes.
getThemes ( ) : string Provides the themes attached to playlist.
getTitle ( ) Returns the name of the playlist.
setArticlesLink ( string $articlesLink ) Set link to topic articles resource.
setArticlesModificationTime ( DateTime $articlesModificationTime ) : self Sets the value of articlesModificationTime.
setMaxItems ( integer $maxItems ) : self Sets the value of maxItems.
setName ( $name ) Returns the name of the playlist.
setNotes ( string $notes ) : self Sets the value of notes.
setThemes ( array $themes ) : self Set the themes attached to playlist.
setTitle ( $name ) Returns the name of the playlist.

Method Details

getArticlesModificationTime() public method

Gets the value of articlesModificationTime.

getMaxItems() public method

Gets the value of maxItems.
public getMaxItems ( ) : integer
return integer

getName() public method

Returns the name of the playlist.
public getName ( )

getNotes() public method

Gets the value of notes.
public getNotes ( ) : string
return string

getThemes() public method

Provides the themes attached to playlist.
public getThemes ( ) : string
return string

getTitle() public method

Returns the name of the playlist.
public getTitle ( )

setArticlesModificationTime() public method

Sets the value of articlesModificationTime.
public setArticlesModificationTime ( DateTime $articlesModificationTime ) : self
$articlesModificationTime DateTime the articles modification time
return self

setMaxItems() public method

Sets the value of maxItems.
public setMaxItems ( integer $maxItems ) : self
$maxItems integer the max items
return self

setName() public method

Returns the name of the playlist.
public setName ( $name )

setNotes() public method

Sets the value of notes.
public setNotes ( string $notes ) : self
$notes string the notes
return self

setThemes() public method

Set the themes attached to playlist.
public setThemes ( array $themes ) : self
$themes array
return self

setTitle() public method

Returns the name of the playlist.
public setTitle ( $name )

Property Details

$articles protected_oe property

protected $articles

$articlesModificationTime protected_oe property

protected utcdatetime $articlesModificationTime
return utcdatetime

$id protected_oe property

protected int $id
return integer

$maxItems protected_oe property

protected int $maxItems
return integer

$name protected_oe property

protected string $name
return string

$notes protected_oe property

protected string $notes
return string

$themes protected_oe property

protected $themes