PHP Class Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Search

Datei anzeigen Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$allColumns array *
$orderBy array *

Public Methods

Method Description
addOrderBy ( Column $column ) (DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY) Add an order by column for this search.
getAllColumns ( ) : array Provides all the columns registered in this search.
getOrderedBy ( ) : array Provides the columns to be ordered by in this search.
register ( Column $column ) : Column (DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY) Register the column to this search.

Method Details

addOrderBy() public method

(DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY) Add an order by column for this search.
public addOrderBy ( Column $column )
$column Column The column to order by, must not be null or empty.

getAllColumns() public method

Provides all the columns registered in this search.
public getAllColumns ( ) : array
return array The arrays containing all the Columns registered.

getOrderedBy() public method

The order in the array will be the order in which the columns have been specified for ordering.
public getOrderedBy ( ) : array
return array The arrays containing the Columns to be ordered by.

register() public method

(DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY) Register the column to this search.
public register ( Column $column ) : Column
$column Column The column to register, must not be null or empty.
return Column The same column provided, used for chaining purposes.

Property Details

$allColumns protected_oe property

protected array $allColumns
return array

$orderBy protected_oe property

protected array $orderBy
return array