PHP Class Phalcon\Db\Adapter\MongoDB\GridFS\Exception\FileNotFoundException

Inheritance: extends Phalcon\Db\Adapter\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException
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Public Methods

Method Description
byFilenameAndRevision ( string $filename, integer $revision, string $namespace ) : self Thrown when a file cannot be found by its filename and revision.
byId ( mixed $id, string $namespace ) : self Thrown when a file cannot be found by its ID.

Method Details

byFilenameAndRevision() public static method

Thrown when a file cannot be found by its filename and revision.
public static byFilenameAndRevision ( string $filename, integer $revision, string $namespace ) : self
$filename string Filename
$revision integer Revision
$namespace string Namespace for the files collection
return self

byId() public static method

Thrown when a file cannot be found by its ID.
public static byId ( mixed $id, string $namespace ) : self
$id mixed File ID
$namespace string Namespace for the files collection
return self