PHP Class Pheasant\Tests\MysqlTestCase

Inheritance: extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
Datei anzeigen Open project: lox/pheasant Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
assertConnectionExists ( )
assertRowCount ( $count, $sql )
assertTableExists ( $table )
connection ( ) Helper to return a connection
initialize ( $class, $callback = null ) Helper to initialize a domain object
migrate ( $tableName, $schema )
setUp ( )
table ( $name, $columns ) Helper to drop and re-create a table
tearDown ( )

Method Details

assertConnectionExists() public method

assertRowCount() public method

public assertRowCount ( $count, $sql )

assertTableExists() public method

public assertTableExists ( $table )

connection() public method

Helper to return a connection
public connection ( )

initialize() public method

Helper to initialize a domain object
public initialize ( $class, $callback = null )

migrate() public method

public migrate ( $tableName, $schema )

setUp() public method

public setUp ( )

table() public method

Helper to drop and re-create a table
public table ( $name, $columns )

tearDown() public method

public tearDown ( )