PHP Class Phulp\Output

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$quiet boolean

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$err resource The resource for err
$out resource The resource for out

Public Methods

Method Description
colorize ( string $string, string $color ) : string This method is used to colorize some text
err ( string $string ) : void This method is used to send some text to STDERR
out ( string $string ) : void This method is used to send some text to STDOUT, maybe with some color

Method Details

colorize() public static method

This method is used to colorize some text
public static colorize ( string $string, string $color ) : string
$string string the text to be colorized
$color string the color to colorize your
return string

err() public static method

This method is used to send some text to STDERR
public static err ( string $string ) : void
$string string the text to be sent to STDERR
return void

out() public static method

This method is used to send some text to STDOUT, maybe with some color
public static out ( string $string ) : void
$string string the text to be sent to STDOUT
return void

Property Details

$err protected_oe static_oe property

The resource for err
protected static resource $err
return resource

$out protected_oe static_oe property

The resource for out
protected static resource $out
return resource

$quiet public_oe static_oe property

public static bool $quiet
return boolean