PHP Class Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition\Data\Multihref

Inheritance: extends Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition\Data\Relations\AbstractRelations, use trait Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition\Data\Extension\Relation
Datei anzeigen Open project: pimcore/pimcore Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$assetTypes array Allowed asset types
$assetUploadPath string
$assetsAllowed boolean
$documentTypes array Allowed document types
$documentsAllowed boolean
$fieldtype string Static type of this element
$height integer Type for the column to query
$maxItems integer
$objectsAllowed boolean
$phpdocType string Type for the generated phpdoc
$queryColumnType string Type for the column to query
$relationType boolean
$width integer

Public Methods

Method Description
checkValidity ( mixed $data, boolean $omitMandatoryCheck = false ) Checks if data is valid for current data field
getAssetTypes ( ) : array
getAssetUploadPath ( ) : string
getAssetsAllowed ( ) : boolean
getCacheTags ( mixed $data, array $tags = [] ) : array This is a dummy and is mostly implemented by relation types
getDataForEditmode ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array
getDataForGrid ( $data, $object = null, $params = [] )
getDataForQueryResource ( $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] )
getDataForResource ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array
getDataFromEditmode ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array
getDataFromResource ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array
getDiffDataFromEditmode ( $data, null $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : null | Pimcore_Date See parent class.
getDiffVersionPreview ( $data, null $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array | string Generates a pretty version preview (similar to getVersionPreview) can be either html or a image URL. See the ObjectMerger plugin documentation for details
getDocumentTypes ( ) : array
getDocumentsAllowed ( ) : boolean
getForCsvExport ( AbstractObject $object, array $params = [] ) : string converts object data to a simple string value or CSV Export
getForWebserviceExport ( string $object, mixed $params = [] ) : mixed converts data to be exposed via webservices
getFromCsvImport ( string $importValue, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : Data fills object field data values from CSV Import String
getFromWebserviceImport ( mixed $value, null $relatedObject = null, mixed $params = [], null $idMapper = null ) : mixed | void
getHeight ( ) : integer
getMaxItems ( ) : integer
getObjectsAllowed ( ) : boolean
getPhpdocType ( ) : string
getVersionPreview ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : string
getWidth ( ) : integer
isDiffChangeAllowed ( string $object, mixed $params = [] ) : boolean True if change is allowed in edit mode.
marshal ( mixed $value, AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : mixed Encode value for packing it into a single column.
preGetData ( $object, $params = [] )
preSetData ( $object, $data, $params = [] )
resolveDependencies ( $data ) : array
rewriteIds ( mixed $object, array $idMapping, array $params = [] ) : Pimcore\Model\Element\ElementInterface Rewrites id from source to target, $idMapping contains array( "document" => array( SOURCE_ID => TARGET_ID, SOURCE_ID => TARGET_ID ), "object" => array(.
setAssetTypes ( array $assetTypes )
setAssetUploadPath ( $assetUploadPath )
setAssetsAllowed ( boolean $assetsAllowed )
setDocumentTypes ( array $documentTypes )
setDocumentsAllowed ( boolean $documentsAllowed )
setHeight ( integer $height )
setMaxItems ( $maxItems )
setObjectsAllowed ( boolean $objectsAllowed )
setWidth ( integer $width )
synchronizeWithMasterDefinition ( Data $masterDefinition )
unmarshal ( mixed $value, AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : mixed See marshal

Method Details

checkValidity() public method

Checks if data is valid for current data field
public checkValidity ( mixed $data, boolean $omitMandatoryCheck = false )
$data mixed
$omitMandatoryCheck boolean

getAssetTypes() public method

public getAssetTypes ( ) : array
return array

getAssetUploadPath() public method

public getAssetUploadPath ( ) : string
return string

getAssetsAllowed() public method

public getAssetsAllowed ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getCacheTags() public method

This is a dummy and is mostly implemented by relation types
public getCacheTags ( mixed $data, array $tags = [] ) : array
$data mixed
$tags array
return array

getDataForEditmode() public method

See also: Object\ClassDefinition\Data::getDataForEditmode
public getDataForEditmode ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array
$data array
$object null | Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed
return array

getDataForGrid() public method

public getDataForGrid ( $data, $object = null, $params = [] )

getDataForQueryResource() public method

public getDataForQueryResource ( $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] )
$object null | Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed

getDataForResource() public method

See also: Object\ClassDefinition\Data::getDataForResource
public getDataForResource ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array
$data array
$object null | Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed
return array

getDataFromEditmode() public method

See also: Model\Object\ClassDefinition\Data::getDataFromEditmode
public getDataFromEditmode ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array
$data array
$object null | Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed
return array

getDataFromResource() public method

See also: Object\ClassDefinition\Data::getDataFromResource
public getDataFromResource ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array
$data array
$object null | Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed
return array

getDiffDataFromEditmode() public method

See parent class.
public getDiffDataFromEditmode ( $data, null $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : null | Pimcore_Date
$object null
$params mixed
return null | Pimcore_Date

getDiffVersionPreview() public method

Generates a pretty version preview (similar to getVersionPreview) can be either html or a image URL. See the ObjectMerger plugin documentation for details
public getDiffVersionPreview ( $data, null $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : array | string
$object null
$params mixed
return array | string

getDocumentTypes() public method

public getDocumentTypes ( ) : array
return array

getDocumentsAllowed() public method

public getDocumentsAllowed ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getForCsvExport() public method

converts object data to a simple string value or CSV Export
public getForCsvExport ( AbstractObject $object, array $params = [] ) : string
$object Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params array
return string

getForWebserviceExport() public method

converts data to be exposed via webservices
public getForWebserviceExport ( string $object, mixed $params = [] ) : mixed
$object string
$params mixed
return mixed

getFromCsvImport() public method

fills object field data values from CSV Import String
public getFromCsvImport ( string $importValue, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : Data
$importValue string
$object null | Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed
return Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition\Data

getFromWebserviceImport() public method

public getFromWebserviceImport ( mixed $value, null $relatedObject = null, mixed $params = [], null $idMapper = null ) : mixed | void
$value mixed
$relatedObject null
$params mixed
$idMapper null
return mixed | void

getHeight() public method

public getHeight ( ) : integer
return integer

getMaxItems() public method

public getMaxItems ( ) : integer
return integer

getObjectsAllowed() public method

public getObjectsAllowed ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getPhpdocType() public method

public getPhpdocType ( ) : string
return string

getVersionPreview() public method

See also: Object\ClassDefinition\Data::getVersionPreview
public getVersionPreview ( array $data, null | AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : string
$data array
$object null | Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed
return string

getWidth() public method

public getWidth ( ) : integer
return integer

isDiffChangeAllowed() public method

True if change is allowed in edit mode.
public isDiffChangeAllowed ( string $object, mixed $params = [] ) : boolean
$object string
$params mixed
return boolean

marshal() public method

Encode value for packing it into a single column.
public marshal ( mixed $value, AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : mixed
$value mixed
$object Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed
return mixed

preGetData() public method

public preGetData ( $object, $params = [] )

preSetData() public method

public preSetData ( $object, $data, $params = [] )

resolveDependencies() public method

public resolveDependencies ( $data ) : array
return array

rewriteIds() public method

..), "asset" => array(...) )
public rewriteIds ( mixed $object, array $idMapping, array $params = [] ) : Pimcore\Model\Element\ElementInterface
$object mixed
$idMapping array
$params array
return Pimcore\Model\Element\ElementInterface

setAssetTypes() public method

public setAssetTypes ( array $assetTypes )
$assetTypes array

setAssetUploadPath() public method

public setAssetUploadPath ( $assetUploadPath )

setAssetsAllowed() public method

public setAssetsAllowed ( boolean $assetsAllowed )
$assetsAllowed boolean

setDocumentTypes() public method

public setDocumentTypes ( array $documentTypes )
$documentTypes array

setDocumentsAllowed() public method

public setDocumentsAllowed ( boolean $documentsAllowed )
$documentsAllowed boolean

setHeight() public method

public setHeight ( integer $height )
$height integer

setMaxItems() public method

public setMaxItems ( $maxItems )

setObjectsAllowed() public method

public setObjectsAllowed ( boolean $objectsAllowed )
$objectsAllowed boolean

setWidth() public method

public setWidth ( integer $width )
$width integer

synchronizeWithMasterDefinition() public method

public synchronizeWithMasterDefinition ( Data $masterDefinition )
$masterDefinition Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition\Data

unmarshal() public method

See marshal
public unmarshal ( mixed $value, AbstractObject $object = null, mixed $params = [] ) : mixed
$value mixed
$object Pimcore\Model\Object\AbstractObject
$params mixed
return mixed

Property Details

$assetTypes public_oe property

Allowed asset types
public array $assetTypes
return array

$assetUploadPath public_oe property

public string $assetUploadPath
return string

$assetsAllowed public_oe property

public bool $assetsAllowed
return boolean

$documentTypes public_oe property

Allowed document types
public array $documentTypes
return array

$documentsAllowed public_oe property

public bool $documentsAllowed
return boolean

$fieldtype public_oe property

Static type of this element
public string $fieldtype
return string

$height public_oe property

Type for the column to query
public int $height
return integer

$maxItems public_oe property

public int $maxItems
return integer

$objectsAllowed public_oe property

public bool $objectsAllowed
return boolean

$phpdocType public_oe property

Type for the generated phpdoc
public string $phpdocType
return string

$queryColumnType public_oe property

Type for the column to query
public string $queryColumnType
return string

$relationType public_oe property

public bool $relationType
return boolean

$width public_oe property

public int $width
return integer