PHP Class rmrevin\yii\fontawesome\FontAwesome

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$cssPrefix string CSS class prefix

Public Methods

Method Description
i ( string $name, array $options = [] ) : Icon Shortcut for icon() method
icon ( string $name, array $options = [] ) : Icon Creates an Icon component that can be used to FontAwesome html icon
s ( array $options = [] ) : Stack Shortcut for stack() method
stack ( array $options = [] ) : Stack Creates an Stack component that can be used to FontAwesome html icon
ul ( array $options = [] ) : UnorderedList

Method Details

i() public static method

Shortcut for icon() method
See also: icon()
public static i ( string $name, array $options = [] ) : Icon
$name string
$options array
return rmrevin\yii\fontawesome\component\Icon

icon() public static method

Creates an Icon component that can be used to FontAwesome html icon
public static icon ( string $name, array $options = [] ) : Icon
$name string
$options array
return rmrevin\yii\fontawesome\component\Icon

s() public static method

Shortcut for stack() method
See also: stack()
public static s ( array $options = [] ) : Stack
$options array
return rmrevin\yii\fontawesome\component\Stack

stack() public static method

Creates an Stack component that can be used to FontAwesome html icon
public static stack ( array $options = [] ) : Stack
$options array
return rmrevin\yii\fontawesome\component\Stack

ul() public static method

public static ul ( array $options = [] ) : UnorderedList
$options array
return rmrevin\yii\fontawesome\component\UnorderedList

Property Details

$cssPrefix public_oe static_oe property

CSS class prefix
public static string $cssPrefix
return string