PHP Class SebastianBergmann\PHPLOC\Log\CSV\History

Inheritance: extends Single
Datei anzeigen Open project: sebastianbergmann/phploc Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$file The file handle for this instance
$isInitialized Is the file initialized

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $filename ) Construct the history printer
printRow ( array $data ) Print a single row to the output file

Protected Methods

Method Description
getKeysLine ( array $count ) : string
getValuesLine ( array $count ) : string

Method Details

__construct() public method

Construct the history printer
public __construct ( string $filename )
$filename string The name of the file to write to

getKeysLine() protected method

protected getKeysLine ( array $count ) : string
$count array
return string

getValuesLine() protected method

protected getValuesLine ( array $count ) : string
$count array
return string

printRow() public method

Print a single row to the output file
public printRow ( array $data )
$data array A single row of data

Property Details

$file protected_oe property

The file handle for this instance
protected $file

$isInitialized protected_oe property

Is the file initialized
protected $isInitialized