PHP Class Texy\BlockParser

Inheritance: extends Parser
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Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Texy $texy, HtmlElement $element, $indented )
isIndented ( )
moveBackward ( $linesCount = 1 )
next ( $pattern, &$matches ) if succesfull, increments current position and returns TRUE
parse ( $text ) : void

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Texy $texy, HtmlElement $element, $indented )
$texy Texy
$element HtmlElement

isIndented() public method

public isIndented ( )

moveBackward() public method

public moveBackward ( $linesCount = 1 )

next() public method

if succesfull, increments current position and returns TRUE
public next ( $pattern, &$matches )

parse() public method

public parse ( $text ) : void
return void