PHP Class yii\base\Response

For more details and usage information on Response, see the guide article on responses.
Since: 2.0
Author: Qiang Xue ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Component
Datei anzeigen Open project: yiisoft/yii2

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$exitStatus the exit status. Exit statuses should be in the range 0 to 254. The status 0 means the program terminates successfully.

Public Methods

Method Description
clearOutputBuffers ( ) Removes all existing output buffers.
send ( ) Sends the response to client.

Method Details

clearOutputBuffers() public method

Removes all existing output buffers.
public clearOutputBuffers ( )

send() public method

Sends the response to client.
public send ( )

Property Details

$exitStatus public_oe property

the exit status. Exit statuses should be in the range 0 to 254. The status 0 means the program terminates successfully.
public $exitStatus