PHP Class yii\db\Transaction

It is usually created by calling [[Connection::beginTransaction()]]. The following code is a typical example of using transactions (note that some DBMS may not support transactions): php $transaction = $connection->beginTransaction(); try { $connection->createCommand($sql1)->execute(); $connection->createCommand($sql2)->execute(); .... other SQL executions $transaction->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); throw $e; }
Since: 2.0
Author: Qiang Xue ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends yii\base\Object
Datei anzeigen Open project: yiisoft/yii2 Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$db the database connection that this transaction is associated with.

Public Methods

Method Description
begin ( string | null $isolationLevel = null ) Begins a transaction.
commit ( ) Commits a transaction.
getIsActive ( ) : boolean Returns a value indicating whether this transaction is active.
getLevel ( ) : integer
rollBack ( ) Rolls back a transaction.
setIsolationLevel ( string $level ) Sets the transaction isolation level for this transaction.

Method Details

begin() public method

Begins a transaction.
public begin ( string | null $isolationLevel = null )
$isolationLevel string | null The [isolation level][] to use for this transaction. This can be one of [[READ_UNCOMMITTED]], [[READ_COMMITTED]], [[REPEATABLE_READ]] and [[SERIALIZABLE]] but also a string containing DBMS specific syntax to be used after `SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL`. If not specified (`null`) the isolation level will not be set explicitly and the DBMS default will be used. > Note: This setting does not work for PostgreSQL, where setting the isolation level before the transaction has no effect. You have to call [[setIsolationLevel()]] in this case after the transaction has started. > Note: Some DBMS allow setting of the isolation level only for the whole connection so subsequent transactions may get the same isolation level even if you did not specify any. When using this feature you may need to set the isolation level for all transactions explicitly to avoid conflicting settings. At the time of this writing affected DBMS are MSSQL and SQLite. [isolation level]:

commit() public method

Commits a transaction.
public commit ( )

getIsActive() public method

Returns a value indicating whether this transaction is active.
public getIsActive ( ) : boolean
return boolean whether this transaction is active. Only an active transaction can [[commit()]] or [[rollBack()]].

getLevel() public method

Since: 2.0.8
public getLevel ( ) : integer
return integer The current nesting level of the transaction.

rollBack() public method

Rolls back a transaction.
public rollBack ( )

setIsolationLevel() public method

This method can be used to set the isolation level while the transaction is already active. However this is not supported by all DBMS so you might rather specify the isolation level directly when calling Transaction::begin.
See also:
public setIsolationLevel ( string $level )
$level string The transaction isolation level to use for this transaction. This can be one of [[READ_UNCOMMITTED]], [[READ_COMMITTED]], [[REPEATABLE_READ]] and [[SERIALIZABLE]] but also a string containing DBMS specific syntax to be used after `SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL`.

Property Details

$db public_oe property

the database connection that this transaction is associated with.
public $db