PHP Interface Documer\Storage\Adapter

Datei anzeigen Open project: kbariotis/documer

Public Methods

Method Description
getDistinctLabels ( ) : array Get distinct names of labels
getInverseWordProbabilityWithLabel ( $word, $label ) : float Get the probability that this word shows up in a any other LABEL
getWordCount ( $word ) : integer Get how many times we have seen this word before
getWordProbabilityWithLabel ( $word, $label ) : float Get the probability that this word shows up in a LABEL document
insertLabel ( $label )
insertWord ( $word, $label )

Method Details

getDistinctLabels() public method

Get distinct names of labels
public getDistinctLabels ( ) : array
return array

getInverseWordProbabilityWithLabel() public method

Get the probability that this word shows up in a any other LABEL
public getInverseWordProbabilityWithLabel ( $word, $label ) : float
return float

getWordCount() public method

Get how many times we have seen this word before
public getWordCount ( $word ) : integer
return integer

getWordProbabilityWithLabel() public method

Get the probability that this word shows up in a LABEL document
public getWordProbabilityWithLabel ( $word, $label ) : float
return float

insertLabel() public method

public insertLabel ( $label )

insertWord() public method

public insertWord ( $word, $label )