PHP Interface Swiftriver\Core\PreProcessing\IPreProcessingStep

Datei anzeigen Open project: ushahidi/Swiftriver-2011

Public Methods

Method Description
Description ( ) : string The description of this step
Name ( ) : string The short name for this pre processing step, should be no longer than 50 chars
Process ( Content[] $contentItems, CoreConfigurationHandler $configuration, Log $logger ) : Content[] Interface method that all PrePorcessing Steps must implement
ReturnRequiredParameters ( ) : ConfigurationElement[] This method returns an array of the required paramters that are nessesary to run this step.

Method Details

Description() public method

The description of this step
public Description ( ) : string
return string

Name() public method

The short name for this pre processing step, should be no longer than 50 chars
public Name ( ) : string
return string

Process() public method

Interface method that all PrePorcessing Steps must implement
public Process ( Content[] $contentItems, CoreConfigurationHandler $configuration, Log $logger ) : Content[]
$contentItems Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\Content[]
$configuration Swiftriver\Core\Configuration\ConfigurationHandlers\CoreConfigurationHandler
$logger Log
return Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\Content[]

ReturnRequiredParameters() public method

This method returns an array of the required paramters that are nessesary to run this step.
public ReturnRequiredParameters ( ) : ConfigurationElement[]
return Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\ConfigurationElement[]