PHP DataSift\Storyplayer\ConfigLib Namespace


Name Description
ActiveConfig the class for the config we make available to stories
ConfigFinder Something to find config files on disk for us
ConfigList tracks a list of available configs of a given type
DevicesList tracks a list of available test devices (e.g. web browsers)
E4xx_ConfigDataNotAnArray Exception thrown when we attempt to find data by a given path, but the data is not an array
E4xx_ConfigDataNotAnObject Exception thrown when we attempt to find data by a given path, but the data is not an object
E4xx_ConfigFileContainsInvalidJson Exception thrown when a config file contains invalid JSON
E4xx_ConfigFileNotFound Exception thrown when we attempt to load a config file that does not exist
E4xx_ConfigPathCannotBeExtended Exception thrown when we attempt to extend the config, but run into a node that cannot be extended
E4xx_ConfigPathNotFound Exception thrown when we attempt to find data by a given path, but the path does not exist
E4xx_IncompatibleConfigClass Exception thrown when we attempt inject data into a ConfigList, but use the wrong class for the injected data
E4xx_NoSuchConfigClass Exception thrown when we attempt to build a list of configs, but the list type is set to something we don't have a class for
E4xx_NoSuchConfigEntry Exception thrown when we attempt to retrieve a config entry that is not in a ConfigList
E4xx_StoryplayerConfigMustBeAnObject Exception thrown when the storyplayer.json file doesn't define an object at the top-level
E4xx_StoryplayerDefaultsMustBeStrings Exception thrown when the 'defaults' array in storyplayer.json exists but contains something that isn't a string
E4xx_StoryplayerDefaultsSectionMustBeAnArray Exception thrown when the 'defaults' entry in storyplayer.json exists but is not an array
E4xx_TestEnvironmentFileMustReturnADefinition Exception thrown when a PHP-style test environment config file does not return a TestEnvironment_Definition object
HardCodedList Base class for all of our built-in configs
StoryplayerConfig the class for the storyplayer.json[.dist] config
SystemsUnderTestList tracks a list of available systems under test
TestEnvironmentsList tracks a list of available test environments
WrappedConfig represents config loaded from a single file