PHP DataSift\Storyplayer\Injectables Namespace


Name Description
HostnameHelper Helper to find our hostname


Name Description
ActiveConfigSupport support for working with Storyplayer's config file
ActiveDeviceSupport support for the device that the user chooses
ActiveSystemUnderTestConfigSupport support for the system-under-test that the user chooses
ActiveTestEnvironmentConfigSupport support for the test environment that the user chooses
DataFormatterSupport support for converting data for printing
DefaultCommandLineSupport support for extracting a list of default values for CLI switches from any loaded storyplayer.json[.dist] config file
DefaultConfigSupport support for our built-in defaults
DefaultSystemUnderTestName determine our default system-under-test to test against
DefaultTestEnvironmentName determine our default target environment to test against
KnownDevicesSupport support for working with the list of known devices
KnownSystemsUnderTestSupport support for working with the list of known systems-under-test
KnownTestEnvironmentsSupport support for working with the list of known test environments
OutputSupport support for output to the user
PhaseLoaderSupport support for our PhaseLoader service
ProseLoaderSupport support for our ProseLoader service
ReportLoaderSupport support for our ReportLoader service
RuntimeConfigSupport support for working with the persistent, app-generated config
StaticConfigManagerSupport support for Storyplayer's static config file manager
StoryplayerConfigFilenameSupport determine our storyplayer config file
StoryplayerConfigSupport support for working with Storyplayer's config file