PHP Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model Namespace


Name Description
NodeDataLabelGeneratorInterface Interface for rendering a node label string based on some strategy
NodeInterface Interface for a Node
NodeLabelGeneratorInterface Interface for rendering a node label string based on some strategy
UserInterface Interface for a user of the content repository. Users can be owners of workspaces.


Name Description
AbstractNodeData Some NodeData (persisted or transient)
ContentDimension A content dimension for nodes
ContentObjectProxy A Content Object Proxy object to connect domain models to nodes
ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator The expression based node label generator that is used as default if a label expression is configured.
FallbackNodeDataLabelGenerator The default node label generator; used if no-other is configured
Node This is the main API for storing and retrieving content in the system.
NodeData The node data inside the content repository. This is only a data container that could be exchanged in the future.
NodeDimension NOTE: This is internal only and should not be used or extended by userland code.
NodeTemplate A container of properties which can be used as a template for generating new nodes.
NodeType A Node Type
Workspace A Workspace