PHP Neos\ContentRepository\Eel\FlowQueryOperations Namespace


Name Description
CacheLifetimeOperation "cacheLifetime" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. Will get the minimum of all allowed cache lifetimes for the nodes in the current FlowQuery context. This means it will evaluate to the nearest future value of the hiddenBeforeDateTime or hiddenAfterDateTime properties of all nodes in the context. If none are set or all values are in the past it will evaluate to NULL.
ChildrenOperation "children" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns all child nodes or only those matching the filter expression specified as optional argument.
ClosestOperation "closest" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. For each node in the context, get the first node that matches the selector by testing the node itself and traversing up through its ancestors.
ContextOperation "context" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. Modifies the ContentRepository Context of each node in the current FlowQuery context by the given properties and returns the same nodes by identifier if they can be accessed in the new Context (otherwise they will be skipped).
FilterOperation This filter implementation contains specific behavior for use on ContentRepository nodes. It will not evaluate any elements that are not instances of the `NodeInterface`.
FindOperation "find" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. This operation allows for retrieval of nodes specified by a path, identifier or node type (recursive).
HasOperation "has" operation working on NodeInterface. Reduce the set of matched elements to those that have a child node that matches the selector or given subject.
NextAllOperation "nextAll" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns each following sibling or only those matching the filter expression specified as optional argument.
NextOperation "next" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns the immediately following sibling.
NextUntilOperation "nextUntil" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns each following sibling until the matching sibling is found.
ParentOperation "parent" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns each direct parent nodes or only those matching the filter expression specified as optional argument.
ParentsOperation "parents" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns the parent nodes or only those matching the filter expression specified as optional argument.
ParentsUntilOperation "parentsUntil" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns the parent nodes until the matching parent is found.
PrevAllOperation "prevAll" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns each preceding sibling or only those matching the filter expression specified as optional argument
PrevOperation "prev" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns the immediately preceding sibling.
PrevUntilOperation "prevUntil" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns each preceding sibling until the matching sibling is found.
PropertyOperation Used to access properties of a ContentRepository Node. If the property mame is prefixed with _, internal node properties like start time, end time, hidden are accessed.
SiblingsOperation "siblings" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns all sibling nodes or only those matching the filter expression specified as optional argument.