Name |
Description |
AddressVerifyReq |
AddressVerifyRequestType |
Email address of buyer to be verified. Required Maximum
string length: 255 single-byte characters Input mask: ?@?.?? |
AddressVerifyResponseType |
Confirmation of a match, with one of the following tokens:
None: The input value of the Email object does not match any
email address on file at PayPal. Confirmed: If the value of
the StreetMatch object is Matched, PayPal responds that the
entire postal address is confirmed. Unconfirmed: PayPal
responds that the postal address is unconfirmed |
BAUpdateRequestType |
BAUpdateResponseType |
BMButtonSearchRequestType |
The earliest transaction date at which to start the search. |
BMButtonSearchResponseType |
BMCreateButtonReq |
BMCreateButtonRequestType |
Type of Button to create. Required Must be one of the
BMCreateButtonResponseType |
BMGetButtonDetailsReq |
BMGetButtonDetailsRequestType |
Button ID of button to return. Required Character length
and limitations: 10 single-byte numeric characters |
BMGetButtonDetailsResponseType |
Type of button. One of the following: BUYNOW, CART,
BMGetInventoryReq |
BMGetInventoryRequestType |
Hosted Button ID of the button to return inventory for. |
BMGetInventoryResponseType |
BMManageButtonStatusReq |
BMManageButtonStatusRequestType |
Button ID of Hosted button. Required Character length and
limitations: 10 single-byte numeric characters |
BMSetInventoryReq |
BMSetInventoryRequestType |
Hosted Button ID of button you wish to change. Required
Character length and limitations: 10 single-byte numeric
characters |
BMUpdateButtonReq |
BMUpdateButtonRequestType |
Hosted Button id of the button to update. Required
Character length and limitations: 10 single-byte numeric
characters |
BMUpdateButtonResponseType |
BillAgreementUpdateReq |
BillOutstandingAmountReq |
BillOutstandingAmountRequestType |
BillOutstandingAmountResponseType |
BillUserReq |
BillUserRequestType |
This flag indicates that the response should include
FMFDetails |
BillUserResponseType |
CancelRecoupReq |
CancelRecoupRequestType |
CompleteRecoupReq |
CompleteRecoupRequestType |
CompleteRecoupResponseType |
CreateBillingAgreementReq |
CreateBillingAgreementRequestType |
CreateBillingAgreementResponseType |
CreateMobilePaymentReq |
CreateMobilePaymentRequestType |
CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileReq |
CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileRequestType |
CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType |
DoAuthorizationReq |
DoAuthorizationRequestType |
The value of the order’s transaction identification number
returned by a PayPal product. Required Character length and
limits: 19 single-byte characters maximum |
DoAuthorizationResponseType |
An authorization identification number. Character length and
limits: 19 single-byte characters |
DoCancelReq |
DoCancelRequestType |
Msg Sub Id that was used for the orginal operation. |
DoCancelResponseType |
Return msgsubid back to merchant |
DoCaptureReq |
DoCaptureRequestType |
The authorization identification number of the payment you
want to capture. Required Character length and limits: 19
single-byte characters maximum |
DoCaptureResponseType |
DoDirectPaymentReq |
DoDirectPaymentRequestType |
This flag indicates that the response should include
FMFDetails |
DoDirectPaymentResponseType |
The amount of the payment as specified by you on
DoDirectPaymentRequest. |
DoExpressCheckoutPaymentReq |
DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestType |
This flag indicates that the response should include
FMFDetails |
DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType |
DoMobileCheckoutPaymentReq |
DoMobileCheckoutPaymentRequestType |
A timestamped token, the value of which was returned by
SetMobileCheckoutResponse. RequiredCharacter length and
limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
DoMobileCheckoutPaymentResponseType |
DoNonReferencedCreditReq |
DoNonReferencedCreditRequestType |
DoNonReferencedCreditResponseType |
DoReauthorizationReq |
DoReauthorizationRequestType |
The value of a previously authorized transaction
identification number returned by a PayPal product. You can
obtain a buyer's transaction number from the TransactionID
element of the PayerInfo structure returned by
GetTransactionDetailsResponse. Required Character length and
limits: 19 single-byte characters maximum |
DoReauthorizationResponseType |
A new authorization identification number. Character length
and limits: 19 single-byte characters |
DoReferenceTransactionReq |
DoReferenceTransactionRequestType |
This flag indicates that the response should include
FMFDetails |
DoReferenceTransactionResponseType |
DoUATPAuthorizationReq |
DoUATPAuthorizationRequestType |
UATP card details Required |
DoUATPAuthorizationResponseType |
Auth Authorization Code. |
DoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentReq |
DoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType |
DoVoidReq |
DoVoidRequestType |
The value of the original authorization identification
number returned by a PayPal product. If you are voiding a
transaction that has been reauthorized, use the ID from the
original authorization, and not the reauthorization. |
DoVoidResponseType |
The authorization identification number you specified in the
request. Character length and limits: 19 single-byte
characters |
EnterBoardingReq |
EnterBoardingRequestType |
EnterBoardingResponseType |
A unique token that identifies this boarding session. Use
this token with the GetBoarding Details API call.Character
length and limitations: 64 alphanumeric characters. The
token has the following format:OB-61characterstring |
ExecuteCheckoutOperationsReq |
ExecuteCheckoutOperationsRequestType |
ExecuteCheckoutOperationsResponseType |
ExternalRememberMeOptOutReq |
ExternalRememberMeOptOutRequestType |
The merchant passes in the ExternalRememberMeID to identify
the user to opt out. This is a 17-character alphanumeric
(encrypted) string that identifies the buyer's remembered
login with a merchant and has meaning only to the merchant. |
GetAccessPermissionDetailsReq |
GetAccessPermissionDetailsRequestType |
A timestamped token, the value of which was returned by
SetAuthFlowParam Response. Required Character length and
limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
GetAccessPermissionDetailsResponseType |
GetAuthDetailsReq |
GetAuthDetailsRequestType |
A timestamped token, the value of which was returned by
SetAuthFlowParam Response. RequiredCharacter length and
limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
GetAuthDetailsResponseType |
GetBalanceReq |
GetBalanceRequestType |
GetBalanceResponseType |
GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsReq |
GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsRequestType |
GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsResponseType |
GetBoardingDetailsReq |
GetBoardingDetailsRequestType |
A unique token returned by the EnterBoarding API call that
identifies this boarding session. RequiredCharacter length
and limitations: 64 alphanumeric characters. The token has
the following format:OB-61characterstring |
GetBoardingDetailsResponseType |
GetExpressCheckoutDetailsReq |
GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequestType |
A timestamped token, the value of which was returned by
SetExpressCheckoutResponse. RequiredCharacter length and
limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseType |
GetIncentiveEvaluationReq |
GetIncentiveEvaluationRequestType |
GetIncentiveEvaluationResponseType |
GetMobileStatusReq |
GetMobileStatusResponseType |
Indicates whether the phone is activated for mobile payments |
GetPalDetailsReq |
GetPalDetailsResponseType |
GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsReq |
GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsRequestType |
GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseType |
GetTransactionDetailsReq |
GetTransactionDetailsRequestType |
Unique identifier of a transaction. RequiredThe details for
some kinds of transactions cannot be retrieved with
GetTransactionDetailsRequest. You cannot obtain details of
bank transfer withdrawals, for example. Character length and
limitations: 17 single-byte alphanumeric characters |
GetTransactionDetailsResponseType |
InitiateRecoupReq |
InitiateRecoupRequestType |
InstallmentDetailsType |
Installment Period. Optional |
ManagePendingTransactionStatusReq |
ManagePendingTransactionStatusRequestType |
ManagePendingTransactionStatusResponseType |
ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusReq |
ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusRequestType |
MassPayReq |
MassPayRequestItemType |
MassPayRequestItemType |
MassPayRequestType |
Subject line of the email sent to all recipients. This
subject is not contained in the input file; you must create
it with your application. Optional Character length and
limitations: 255 single-byte alphanumeric characters |
OptionDetailsType |
Option Name. Optional |
OptionSelectionDetailsType |
Option Selection. Required Character length and limitations:
12 single-byte alphanumeric characters |
RefundTransactionReq |
RefundTransactionRequestType |
Unique identifier of the transaction you are refunding. |
RefundTransactionResponseType |
Unique transaction ID of the refund. Character length and
limitations:17 single-byte characters |
ReverseTransactionReq |
ReverseTransactionResponseType |
SetAccessPermissionsReq |
SetAccessPermissionsRequestType |
SetAccessPermissionsResponseType |
A timestamped token by which you identify to PayPal that you
are processing this user. The token expires after three
hours. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte
characters |
SetAuthFlowParamReq |
SetAuthFlowParamRequestType |
SetAuthFlowParamResponseType |
A timestamped token by which you identify to PayPal that you
are processing this user. The token expires after three
hours. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte
characters |
SetCustomerBillingAgreementReq |
SetCustomerBillingAgreementRequestType |
SetCustomerBillingAgreementResponseType |
SetExpressCheckoutReq |
SetExpressCheckoutRequestType |
SetExpressCheckoutResponseType |
A timestamped token by which you identify to PayPal that you
are processing this payment with Express Checkout. The token
expires after three hours. If you set Token in the
SetExpressCheckoutRequest, the value of Token in the
response is identical to the value in the request. Character
length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
SetMobileCheckoutReq |
SetMobileCheckoutRequestType |
SetMobileCheckoutResponseType |
A timestamped token by which you identify to PayPal that you
are processing this payment with Mobile Checkout. The token
expires after three hours. Character length and limitations:
20 single-byte characters |
TransactionSearchReq |
TransactionSearchRequestType |
The earliest transaction date at which to start the search. |
TransactionSearchResponseType |
Results of a Transaction Search. |
UpdateAccessPermissionsReq |
UpdateAccessPermissionsRequestType |
Unique PayPal customer account number, the value of which
was returned by GetAuthDetails Response. Required Character
length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
UpdateAccessPermissionsResponseType |
The status of the update call, Success/Failure. Character
length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
UpdateAuthorizationReq |
UpdateAuthorizationRequestType |
The value of the authorizationâtransaction identification
number returned by a PayPal product. Required Character
length and limits: 19 single-byte characters maximum |
UpdateAuthorizationResponseType |
An authorization identification number. Character length and
limits: 19 single-byte characters |
UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileReq |
UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileRequestType |
UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType |