PHP Prado\Data\SqlMap\DataMapper Namespace


Name Description
TFastSqlMapApplicationCache TFastSqlMapApplicationCache class file
TLazyLoadList TLazyLoadList executes mapped statements when the proxy collection is first accessed.
TObjectProxy TObjectProxy sets up a simple object that intercepts method calls to a particular object and relays the call to handler object.
TPropertyAccess TPropertyAccess class provides dot notation stype property access and setting.
TSqlMapApplicationCache TSqlMapApplicationCache uses the default Prado application cache for caching SqlMap results.
TSqlMapCache Allow different implementation of caching strategy. See TSqlMapFifoCache for a first-in-first-out implementation. See TSqlMapLruCache for a least-recently-used cache implementation.
TSqlMapException TSqlMapException is the base exception class for all SqlMap exceptions.
TSqlMapFifoCache First-in-First-out cache implementation, removes object that was first added when the cache is full.
TSqlMapLruCache Least recently used cache implementation, removes object that was accessed last when the cache is full.
TSqlMapPagedList TSqlMapPagedList implements a list with paging functionality that retrieves data from a SqlMap statement.
TSqlMapTypeHandler A simple interface for implementing custom type handlers.
TSqlMapTypeHandlerRegistry TTypeHandlerFactory provides type handler classes to convert database field type to PHP types and vice versa.