PHP Trait Lndj\Traits\Parser

Datei anzeigen Open project: lndj/lcrawl

Public Methods

Method Description
parserCommonTable ( type | Object $body, type | string $selector = '#DataGrid1' ) : array Parser the common table, like cet, chooseClass, etc.
parserHiddenValue ( type $body ) : type Parser the hidden value of HTML form.
parserOthersHiddenValue ( type $body ) : type When get Grade info, the hidden value is not same as login page.
parserSchedule ( Object $body ) : Array Paser the schedule data.

Method Details

parserCommonTable() public method

Parser the common table, like cet, chooseClass, etc.
public parserCommonTable ( type | Object $body, type | string $selector = '#DataGrid1' ) : array
$body type | Object
$selector type | string
return array

parserHiddenValue() public method

Parser the hidden value of HTML form.
public parserHiddenValue ( type $body ) : type
$body type
return type

parserOthersHiddenValue() public method

When get Grade info, the hidden value is not same as login page.
public parserOthersHiddenValue ( type $body ) : type
$body type
return type

parserSchedule() public method

Paser the schedule data.
public parserSchedule ( Object $body ) : Array
$body Object
return Array