PHP Class Cache_Lite_Timed, cachearium

Inheritance: extends Cache_Lite
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Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $options = [NULL] ) Constructor
_setLastModified ( integer $time ) : boolean Sets the ctime/mtime status for a file for the given time.
_setRefreshTime ( ) Override refresh time function. Returns current time.
save ( string $data, string $id = NULL, string $group = 'default', integer $lifetime = null ) : boolean Save some data in a cache file

Method Details

__construct() public method

$options is an assoc. To have a look at availables options, see the constructor of the Cache_Lite class in 'Cache_Lite.php'
public __construct ( array $options = [NULL] )
$options array options

_setLastModified() public method

Sets the ctime/mtime status for a file for the given time.
public _setLastModified ( integer $time ) : boolean
$time integer Unix timestamp
return boolean

_setRefreshTime() public method

Override refresh time function. Returns current time.
public _setRefreshTime ( )

save() public method

Save some data in a cache file
public save ( string $data, string $id = NULL, string $group = 'default', integer $lifetime = null ) : boolean
$data string data to put in cache (can be another type than strings if automaticSerialization is on)
$id string cache id
$group string name of the cache group
$lifetime integer The time in seconds that this entry should live. Defaults to the lifetime set by the constructor.
return boolean true if no problem (else : false or a PEAR_Error object)

Property Details

$_bufferedLifetime public_oe property

public $_bufferedLifetime