PHP Class CampaignExtensionSettingService, googleads-php-lib

Inheritance: extends AdWordsSoapClient
Mostrar archivo Open project: googleads/googleads-php-lib

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$classmap array Default class map for wsdl=>php
$endpoint string The endpoint of the service

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $wsdl, array $options, $user ) Constructor using wsdl location and options array
get ( $selector ) : The This field is required and should not be {@code null}.
mutate ( $operations ) : The This field must not contain {@code null} elements. Elements in this field must have distinct IDs for following {@link Operator}s : ADD, SET, REMOVE. This field must contain at least one element. This field is required and should not be {@code null}.
query ( $query ) : The This field is required and should not be {@code null}.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructor using wsdl location and options array
public __construct ( string $wsdl, array $options, $user )
$wsdl string WSDL location for this service
$options array Options for the SoapClient

get() public method

Returns a list of CampaignExtensionSettings that meet the selector criteria.
public get ( $selector ) : The
return The list of CampaignExtensionSettings specified by the selector.

mutate() public method

Applies the list of mutate operations (add, remove, and set).

Beginning in v201509, add and set operations are treated identically. Performing an add operation on a campaign with an existing ExtensionSetting will cause the operation to be treated like a set operation. Performing a set operation on a campaign with no ExtensionSetting will cause the operation to be treated like an add operation.

public mutate ( $operations ) : The
return The changed {@link CampaignExtensionSetting}s.

query() public method

Returns a list of CampaignExtensionSettings that match the query.
public query ( $query ) : The
return The list of CampaignExtensionSettings specified by the query.

Property Details

$classmap public_oe static_oe property

Default class map for wsdl=>php
public static array $classmap
return array

$endpoint public_oe static_oe property

The endpoint of the service
public static string $endpoint
return string