PHP Class DeveloperLocale, addons

Inheritance: extends Gdn_Locale
Mostrar archivo Open project: vanilla/addons

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
AllDefinitions ( ) Gets all of the definitions in the current locale.
CapturedDefinitions ( )
GuessPrefix ( )
PrefixFromPath ( $Path )
Translate ( $Code, $Default = FALSE )

Method Details

AllDefinitions() public method

return array
public AllDefinitions ( )

CapturedDefinitions() public method

public CapturedDefinitions ( )

GuessPrefix() public static method

public static GuessPrefix ( )

PrefixFromPath() public static method

public static PrefixFromPath ( $Path )

Translate() public method

public Translate ( $Code, $Default = FALSE )

Property Details

$_CapturedDefinitions public_oe property

public $_CapturedDefinitions