PHP Class FeedWordPressPostsPage, feedwordpress

Inheritance: extends FeedWordPressAdminPage
Mostrar archivo Open project: radgeek/feedwordpress Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( mixed $link ) Construct the posts page object.
comments_and_pings_box ( $page, $box = NULL ) *static
custom_post_settings ( $page = NULL ) *static
custom_post_settings_box ( $page, $box = NULL ) *static
custom_post_types_box ( $page, $box = NULL ) * FeedWordPressPostsPage::custom_post_settings_box()
display ( ) * FeedWordPressPostsPage::custom_post_types_box()
formatting_box ( object $page, array $box = NULL ) Outputs "Formatting" settings box
links_box ( $page, $box = NULL ) *static
publication_box ( $page, $box = NULL ) *static
save_settings ( $post ) * FeedWordPressPostsPage constructor

Method Details

__construct() public method

Construct the posts page object.
public __construct ( mixed $link )
$link mixed An object of class {@link SyndicatedLink} if created for one feed's settings, NULL if created for global default settings

comments_and_pings_box() public method

public comments_and_pings_box ( $page, $box = NULL )

custom_post_settings() public method

public custom_post_settings ( $page = NULL )

custom_post_settings_box() public method

public custom_post_settings_box ( $page, $box = NULL )

custom_post_types_box() public method

* FeedWordPressPostsPage::custom_post_settings_box()
public custom_post_types_box ( $page, $box = NULL )

display() public method

* FeedWordPressPostsPage::custom_post_types_box()
public display ( )

formatting_box() public method

Outputs "Formatting" settings box
Since: 2009.0713
public formatting_box ( object $page, array $box = NULL )
$page object of class FeedWordPressPostsPage tells us whether this is a page for one feed's settings or for global defaults
$box array

publication_box() public method

public publication_box ( $page, $box = NULL )

save_settings() public method

* FeedWordPressPostsPage constructor
public save_settings ( $post )

Property Details

$updatedPosts public_oe property

public $updatedPosts